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Essay Quotes

1 Mar

Instead of defining acceptable in terms of the political and social order, the show transgresses all of the order and opposes every angle with dichotomies and by negotiating the ideologies which are currently accepted in society – Ted Gournelos 

The tactic of oppositional culture then creates a transgression that shows another theory the authors effectively express – Katrien Pype

This is combined with the discourse and rhetoric which rejects the political and cultural theories about terrorism while showing that it is a part of the land of the absurd – Southparkstudios

The children then become responsible for solving the problem which was created by the definition given by the parents – Southparkstudios

The “South Park” episode is one which conveys the violence in this literal sense in both instances – Southparkstudios

The narrative and the animation are able to represent the oppositional culture while developing an understanding of the issues which are created – Hongfang, Lu, Gao Xiaoling

This provides affirmations to contemporary experience in which there is a voice which can disagree with the current approaches taken among several in society while developing different relationships to the understanding of how this has created more problems than solutions because of the lack of logic or thought that is given with specific problems – K Crome

The transgression works to show this by ridiculing and violently equating the events with the plot line and thematic events – SE Cowie

The symbolism, biopower and the approaches of transgression are then able to match a variety of angles that are a part of the philosophies of the directors while creating opposition that targets every arena of popular culture, media, politics and associations with social order and groups – Dave Itzkoff

The process that is used by the directors is based on continuing to look at current issues in the news and among political leaders and responding to each of these with a sense of ridicule – Dave Itzkoff

However, there is the ability to see the perspective which is based on the ability to stop any defenses which are associated with the shows and altering this into situational detournement that shows a perspective that is often not voiced in society – E Ball


Essay Notes

22 Feb

The images below is showing the notes on the essay. By doing this, it enabled me to jott down ideas quicker and expand them without thinking about the contexts individually.

Essay Topic Choice

18 Feb

The the fundamental question of this essay is to answer…

” What are the methods, justifications and impacts of transgression on the rhetorics of a media of your choice?

So having understanding the question, I had to think of a media form that I thought I would to write the essay about. I came up with a view mediums as seen below:

  1. The London Riots
  2. Jail Breaking
  3. Sky Plus
  4. YouTube Programme Downloads
  5. South Park


So the selected medium I have chosen to write about is “South Park



Biopower & Detournement

15 Feb


You are in controlled by everything around you

Biopower is a technology of power, which is a way of managing people as a group. Biopower is literally having power over other bodies, an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugations of bodies and the control of populations


When you take something and resure it

Reuse of elements of mainstream media to produce a subversive message

Turning expressions of the capitalist system against itself





9 Feb

Trangression  is an act that goes against breaking the law or going beyond a set threshold.

Essay Quotes

1 Dec

Essay Quotes

“the ability, in each particular case, to see the available means of persuasion.” – Aristotle’s theory

The army desires to offer ‘a realistic look at the army personal and career opportunities via sophisticated role playing’ – Ian Bogost

Call of Duty: Black Ops (RPI £54.99) has only been on sale a few hours, but a price war has already broken out.”  – Guardian

“one of the most accomplished developers in the game industry, having released over 20 titles”.- Indeed

“a lie is a lie, just because they write it down and call it history doesn’t make it the truth, we live in a world where seeing is not believing, where if only you know what really happened”. – Call of Duty – Black Ops Trailer

The medium is the message – Marshall Mcluhan

because it is the medium that shapes and control the scale and the form of human association and action  – Marshall Mcluhan

Notes / Essay Notebook

1 Dec

The images below is showing the notes on the essay and sections of parts of the essay. By doing this, it enabled me to jott down ideas quicker and expand them without thinking about the contexts individually.











Call of Duty – Black Ops Analysis

20 Nov

After selecting the contemporary media form, I analysed the advert which will guide me in the direction of writing the essay. The theorist that I am most likely going to use the within the essay is:

Marshall McLuhan




Ideas for Rhetorics Essay

12 Nov
Looking through a range of advertisement in different media forms, I came up with a selection of possible topics in which I could write my essay on rhetoric. 
Ideas 1 : Lynx Excite TV Advert
This advert is promoting the use of the new Lynz deodorant. It introduces the tagline “Even angels will fall”. The premise of the advert features people in a sleepy European town going about their daily lives until they are interrupted by a group of angels, who plummet from the sky.
Ideas 2: Call of Duty: Black Ops
This advert is promoting a game in which is the biggest action series of all time. It is an entertainment experience that will take you to conflicts across the globe, as elite Black Ops forces fight in the deniable operations and secret wars that occurred under the veil of the Cold War.
Ideas 3: Google Chrome: Jamal Edwards
This advert is that  “The Web is what you make of it”. It features Jamal Edwards,  who is a London teenager who used the web to turn his hobby into a media empire. The online video tracks the rise of Jamal Edwards and the emergence of  SBTV as one of the UK’s leading youth broadcasters. From filming his friends in-car parks to interviewing some of the world’s biggest stars, we see how Jamal used the web to achieve his dreams. .  

Rhetoric Media

25 Oct

Rhetoric – Persuasive language, exists everywhere

  • Comes from ancient Greece and studied by “Marshall Mcluhan”

Procedural Rhetoric – is a concept developed by “Ian Bogoist” in his book “Persuassive Games”: The expressive Power of videogames (MIT Press 2007).

In this book, Bogost analyzes the history of rhetoric and argues that videogames are part of a new form of rhetoric since their procedurality involves interaction. He calls this new form of persuasion Procedural Rhetoric, and develops his argument by comparing videogames to the characteristics of computers and by analyzing the influence that videogames can have on politics, advertising and education.

Bogost develops this argument by first analyzing the notion of “procedurality,” then the idea of “rhetoric” and then combining the two to form Procedural Rhetoric.