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Final Image

7 Dec


This is the final 6 squares regarding about Hip Pop in which the audience will interact with. I choose to start this piece with a dark / dull / old school rough background paper, which will emphases the poor aspect of how people started in life but also it may represent rough life where you got to make use with what you got. The viewer is encountered  with hand written writing which also presents the way people would have written their lyrics in poor situation; the rough background crushed up paper helped with this effect to make it more realistic.

Each background is created artistically using material as I thought it will give it a better effect instead of using solid plain edited colours; gave it a more natural look.  But also, each background, states the meaning relating to the quotes. The middle 4 squares, are stating the journey for an artists, from the life of being poor. Using key words, was helpful, as you need patience in life to get anywhere.  Text was aligned in different directs to interact with the user but also give a better visual effect. But also, its rotated in a direction as this may portray a city view which artists would like to be in the future.

What I so liked about this piece is square 5 because the way the type & text was portrayed.  The word negative is in a much light colour, which is hardly visible but aim for doing this, is to in a sense, to forget about the past and keep your eye to the future and make your dreams a reality.

The final square, I liked a lot especially the use of lyrics as it states whats happens when you put your full mind to it when you make it in life. Like the you typefaces used to the extension and text aligned. It looked more fancied compared to square one; this states that life from rough too smooth and slick, emphasising you have money to get things in life which you wouldn’t be able to in a poor, struggling to make money life.

All theses factors of the square from “Poor” to “Journey” to “Made It” has a flow, interactivity and relationship with each other.  This is showing via the use of quotes, typography and backgrounds

Final Piece Developments

7 Dec

The screen shot above is showing an example of the 6 squares.  I had quiet a few ideas regarding the topic, but portraying all of them, was possible. I liked the use of square 1 because the use of background texture implied that being poor, you will use anything to write thing down but also it emphases the rough life.  Thought that some of the typography was over done and clashing with each other too much. Outside the square, you can see, I was experimenting other type but also over ideas which I could use upon the squares.

The screen shot below, is showing the final outcome of my final 6 squares.


More Type Influences

6 Dec

Whilst scanning through old flyers, leaflets, ads etc, I came across a few which I liked a lot. The use of typography on them was eye-catching as they didn’t use a simple boring straight text. There was a range of different typefaces which was edited to gain a more appealing effect to the audience. Typography was aligned in different directions. Also I liked the use of layout used but also the colour gradient worked well, as the pink is draining down on the extensions of the text.

Experimenting More Type

4 Dec

Here, I started experimenting with type. The image below is showing how I liked an idea and how I redone it in the same format to gain the same type of effect. The first attempt didn’t work aswell.

After attempting to create that effect which didn’t work well, I attempted to redo it and the outcome was more successful. I thought the effect was strong and clear. The colours and colour fades flowed with the selected words. For example, the word negative, the colours is light and fading out.

The images below is trying to state lighting letters shinning in a sense. I used oil pastels, stencils and smudged it, to give that effect. I thought, it was effective, as it is glowing looking which brings out the words. If had to edit it, I would make the lettering more bolder just to make it more visible.



Experimenting More — Backgrounds

4 Dec

The scanned images below, are showing a range of backgrounds which I visually articitally created. I used a wide range of media to gain different effects. Theses media consisted of using water colours to paints to oil pastels to using tea and coffee. Using a variety of materials and tools it allowed me to get a colourful eye-catching look. I choose this look as I wanted to portray the side of HipPop music being full use of colours through the range of promotional materials but also in the sense the range of lighting of HipPop in clubs etc.



Square Content Slabs Ideas

4 Dec

The sketches below, are showing the ideas I came up with the type of contexts and the format of how the type will be layed out. It is layed out in the format selected of how the squares will be portrayed.

Experiment More More More

2 Dec

After lookiong at the inspiration image, the thing, that caught my eye, was the use of typograpghy to create the artist. As this wasnt using an image, I though it was a good way to give the viewer an idea of an artist so they may have an understanding on the type of genre the sqaures are portraying.

The images above is showing the progession of how I got to the finally outcome. During some of the stages,  I thought i over used the use of typography. This clearly didnt really define, the shape of the artist and differently wasnt eye-cathing but also the words wasnt readable at all, compared to the others.



Research Ideas

1 Dec

Firstly, after the agurment, we didnt to think about the layout and structure inwhich we would be able to protray the argument on a 250 mm to 250 mm sqaure. The main criteria that we thought about was the use of typography, as we thought it is a key to catch attentions to the viewer .

The image above show a range of different typography. I liked the way that the type is bursting out into the shape of a volcano. If used this idea, it could identify the use of excitement to a specific genre. For example:  hip pop as it won the argument.

We also thought about the “Rubix” cube as an initial idea because the cube has to continuously turned so that all the colours are the same on each side. So by having this in mind, we thought that on the square, the user could keep turning it around to see the argument. The outer of the shape would be about Hip Pop but as the square twirls smaller and smaller the argument of Dubstep is stated.

Also, we thought that the use of pure typography on the above image wouldn’t work well because it was to impact and strictly draws the attention away from viewer.

Typography Square Browsing

1 Dec

Whilst browsing typography on “deviantART”, I came across this layout and style and I found it interesting because it had a flow towards it .What I really liked it the way, that the letter and effects was creating a symbol. It is different & will catch the attention of a viewer viewing the art piece. If I corporate something like this, within my work, I think it will bring out the work much more and also be something for the viewer to interact with.


1 Dec

Due to the Hip Pop being originated from America, I thought one of the main fonts that should be used is Graffiti. Reflecting upon my childhood, I thought that Mr Bubbles font would be relevant as it simple but interesting and readable. Below, is the sketched outline of the font on the on one of the lyrics.

The image below, is showing that I have sprayed painted the lettering to give it a spray paint effective; like when someone spray graffiti on a wall.

The image below is showing the images of the stencils outlines used to create the graffiti font.

The image below is showing the outcome of the stencils. I thought that it gave a good background / lettering effecting relating to graffiti writing.

Whilst testing the experiment upon the  squares, it didn’t work out well at all because the text didn’t seem readable to the audience when it was put all together as a quote. The writing style seemed much more complex compared to what I originally thought, so depending on the sqaures styles & looks, it will depend wether I will use it or not.