Reflective Summary

14 May

My reflective summary for this module was an overall good experience. I liked how as a team we were able to bounce ideas around to get a stronger concept. Personally, I wished that this module had started in the getting in term 1 as it would have given everyone more time and people wouldn’t be rushing around and would enabled us to balance the work for other modules out.  This subject broaden my skills and allowed me to learn new techniques such as printing and book binding.

Involving myself in a group task enabled me to get involved and intrigued in a project that will conceptually be strong as will have ideas bouncing around. As they stay, two heads are better than one.  I attended meeting and gave feedback upon people work and how it can be approved. As being the member of the production team, we all decided on the paper type, the sizing, the sort of printing, printing quotes etc. All this information, was given back to the group so all they can have an insight upon the subject matter. One problem that I would stay is that, people were set tasks to complete but people was crossing over each other and doing the work. At the end of the day, it can be seen as a waste of time because that time could of been focused somewhere else or upon their designs.

Despite that, the overall experience in designing the book was interesting. As a group, I would say that we produced a strong visual and creative concept with some outstanding work. With some of the work, simplicity was the best way forward.  If the module had started in term one, the final result would of been a lot higher and have a lot more potential within in and would of given external contributors more time to design something for the brief.

My future goals and ambitions is to start of own design company or be a freelancer. This module has made me see potentials within my work and how I can improve my designs conceptually. It been a learning experience and an experience that I happy that I took forward. Everyone got to start from the bottom but once I have enough experience, I will have my own company. Everything is due in due time.

The skills that I have learnt from this modules is how fun and motivational it is working in groups as it bring out ideas that you didn’t think from others. I also become a fan of using Indesign for type, presentations, books and layouts as it allowed me to practice a lot with the program. The final stage is waiting to see what the final outcome of the book will look like but I personal would of preferred if the book was a lot bigger.

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